Software Services
Axioma’s software team specializes in developing solutions for organizations and companies
Near real
time systems
Command & control & Monitoring systems
Our software team includes state-of-the-art software engineers who use state-of-the-art advanced technology, and optimize system performance, while taking end-to-end responsibility from the requirements stage throughout planning, development, testing, integration and delivery.
Software Engineering
Software System requirements
Recognize the customer needs
Software requirements - SRS
Interfaces requirements specification
Software Detailed Design (SDD)
Software verification & validation during the project design cycle
User Experience UX
User friendly (easy to use /operate)
User interface requirements
Human engineering
User Interface Design
Software Development
Cloud technology AWS, AZURE, GCP with option to OnPremise
Kubernetes, Containers, Docker
Data management and Big data include relational DBase, time series DB, elastic search
Software languages: JAVA, C, C++, python, .NET, Nodחjs (java script)
WEB technology Client side: VUE, REACT, ANGULAR
Deep knowledge in Communication, information security and rapid execution
Development Mobile Applications (Android, IOS)
Software testing
Tests design Engineering
Performance tests
Integration tests
Automation testing and simulators